Safe Your Family with CAR Insurance

This insurance for your life. This is Central Asia Raya (CAR) is one of the leading life insurance company in Indonesia and provide high service. In 2013 the Company had a net worth of more than USD 4.71 triyun with risk-based capital (RBC) of more than 120%, as well as the only life insurance company and the first won a Platinum Award from Infobank magazine on the predicate "very good" for 10 (ten) years in a row (1999 s / d 2008).

CAR Insurance

Global business competition is a challenge for the Company to become a leading life insurance company in Indonesia is not easy. The government is getting serious fix the financial institutions that collect public funds banking, securities, and insurance (life and general). The insurance market increasingly open, while the public is increasingly critical and understand the importance of the insurance world. The 2012 Law on the Financial Services Authority (FSA) has been approved, the authority or regulator of financial services, especially insurance and non bank financial institutions other, on January 1, 2013 has been shifted from the Ministry of Finance to the FSA, and followed by the banking industry on January 1, 2014.

Central Asia Raya provides a variety of products tailored to customer need, Including is:
  • Individu: Insurance Products to Protect Personal and Family
  • Group: Insurance Products to Provide Comfort to Employees and Members Enterprises / Society In addition to Individual Insurance Products, Central Asia Raya Insurance also provide Life Insurance Products and Medicare set. With the aim to provide protection to the company from the financial risk associated with treatment / compensation for employees, or protection against creditors if there are debtors who died.
  • Bancassurance: Providing Certainty Credit Refund and Value Added Products Banking - Financial Services. Central Asia Raya Insurance has Bancassurance products, which in our sales activities to establish cooperation with the national banking or credit card issuing institution
  • Micro Insurance: Microinsurance product is an insurance product that is intended to allow all levels of society can have insurance at an affordable price. This product discount simple administration, can be obtained by any customer, economically and procedures of claims quickly and easily. CAR 2 types of micro-insurance market, namely as distributor microinsurance microinsurance SiPeci and dengue fever. SiPeci is a product of the mandate of the Financial Services Authority (FSA) through AAJI (Life Insurance Association of Indonesia) to create products to low-income people can have insurance as a mechanism of protection against financial risks faced. SiPeci motto smash the administration Simple, easy to get, Economical price, and immediately claim payment process.
  • Pension Fund: In an effort to maintain the continuity of income in old age requires a planning and effective and efficient handling in the form of Pension and Severance Program which is a program of new long-term savings and enjoy the results after participants or employees reaching retirement age. DPLK-CAR helps participants and the Company (employees) in the planning and implementation of programs Retirement and Severance Program thus ensuring the wellbeing of pensioners in old age.
  • Sharia: One base in CAR Insurance is Sharia, as a universal concept by promoting fairness based Syar'i.

Shareholder support is very important, especially in terms of capital, and this proved that the shareholders agreed to increase its paid-up capital of Rp 100 billion in 2008. Total paid up capital is in compliance with the provisions of the Government in the area of ​​insurance before the regulation was published. It is very important that the company has been anticipating changes in the regulation of the insurance industry.

Keep safe your life. For join with Car Asia Raya Insurance visit official website at here