Free Trading Service Sneak Peek April 28, 2015

You have no idea how many emails I get about trading services being absolute garbage. I hear story after story about how many companies are just scam artists. So I had a thought... I will contact several trading companies I know about and ask them to show their stuff live on camera for a day. 

I did this for several reasons.

1. If a trading signal company is legit, they will have no problem showing off what they have to offer.

2. This is also to show a little snippet of how each company does things.

3. I wanted to offer a free look inside the daily trade calls of different services because many traders are reluctant to try a new service at all. They have been reamed by scam artists for so long that they trust no one.

Now I sent many companies offers to participate. The majority turned me down. Several of these companies had a reason for doing so. Just because they are not on the list below does not mean they are scam artists.  The companies below are the ones willing to participate so I commend them for being confident in their services.

On Tuesday April 28, these companies will open up their services for free for everyone for a few hours. There are no log in credentials or free trial sign ups. Just click on the Live Feed URL and watch them in action. And when its over, its over.


Ok guys, we have a little schedule for that day. There will be several live feeds. I don't know the end times as each company can end their feed whenever they feel the need to do so but I do have start times for you.

Also I have no control over what each company chooses to share with you. If you have questions about their service, please contact them directly. Don't contact me unless you are asking about Joaquin Trading because I can't speak for anyone but myself.

This will take place April 28, 2015

1. Alpha Trading Signals

Our first participant is Joshua Murakami who runs Alpha Trading Signals. He will be calling trades that will be posted in Nadex Trading Ideas around 5:30-6:30pm Eastern on Monday Night, April 27, the night before. These trades should expire on Tuesday April 28. Contact him at

2. Slick Trade

Our Second Participant is Slick Trade. They will begin their feed around 7am Eastern on Tuesday April 28. The URL to the feed is so all you need to do to see what they have to offer is just click on the link and watch. You may contact Slick Trade by visiting

3. Joaquin Trading

Our third participant is Joaquin Trading. We will begin our feed at 9:30am Eastern on Tuesday April 28. We will be focusing on the 5 minute binaries on Nadex and showing buy/sell signals right there on the screen all day long. Our live feed URL is so just click the link and start watching. You can visit us at

4. TWT

Our fourth Participant is TWT. They will begin their live feed at any time on Tuesday April 28. Just click this link and you can watch to see how Trey does it. You can contact TWT by sending Trey a message on facebook at

5. Traden

Our fifth participant is Traden. They will begin their live feed at 12pm Eastern on Tuesday April 28. If you want to see how they roll, justc click the link here around lunch time. You can visit traden here

Happy Trading!