Is it ok to invest in stocks while still learning?

Is it ok to invest in stocks while still learning?  When it comes to UITFs and Mutual Funds, there are some basic info you need to understand first, but for the most part it's possible to invest right away.  When investing in equity funds, it's good to be able to understand what the prospectus is saying, the numbers it's quoting and how to judge if it's a good fund for you. But that's relatively simple.  After that, it's just a matter of investing regularly. But to answer the question more directly: It 's ok to invest in equity funds while still learning as long as you understand a few key points:      Understand that your investment will wildly change in value     The best fund last year likely won't be the best fund this year     Consider cost-averaging; it's a good strategy for any beginner investor     Last, but most important: you really need a goal for your investment(s).
That's the question one reader asked me via the comment section. I've already provided an answer, but I thought this was actually a pretty "universal" question and wanted to give it a more thorough answer via it's own post.

But first, here's the question:

"...But as a beginner, do you think it will be wise to invest in UITF like the BDO equity fund while learning? I can see from your comment above that it is wiser to learn first before investing into stocks. You mean UITF or the one you personally invest? Can you share some tips please... Thank you :)"
- Janine

Now for my answer: 
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